Help us on our IVF journey for our miracle baby!
Help us on our IVF journey for our miracle baby!
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Stephanie Kaehler is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Kearstin.
Campaign Story
My daughter has wanted children for so long now. She and her husband have been trying for years with no luck. Unfortunately my daughter , kearstin ended up having to have one ovary removed and her husband has had his complications as well. It’s been heartbreaking for them with each negative test. They have been advised that at this point IVF would be their only hope . My daughter wants to carry her own child and go through every ounce of pregnancy and birth. With IVF this is possible but the prices hinder things. They have so much love to give and a child would complete their family. My daughter has been taunted by her emotions each time a friend or family member would become pregnant while she stares at yet another negative pregnancy tests and a trash can full of ovulation kits. It’s truly heartbreaking to see a couple so willing to love a child , that truly want children but have them be denied that privilege due to the prices of IVF. That’s where you come in. You can make a difference in their lives by donating whatever you can and or are willing to . You would be apart of a life being created out of love and you would be helping make someone’s dreams come true. Please help !
Name | Donation | Date |
Jenna Miller | $25.00 | October 22, 2022 |
lauren Queen | $20.00 | October 22, 2022 |
Elana Shurden | $20.00 | October 22, 2022 |
Anonymous | $100.00 | October 05, 2022 |

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Stephanie Kaehler is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Kearstin.